
Welcome to my personal site where i write and blog about all sorts of topics that interest me and that i want to learn more about. My motto:

My Battle With Graves Disease, Part 16: stability

It’s been a while since I’ve given an update about my battle with graves disease. Lots of things going on, moving to new city, starting a new life there, work has been challenging, especially since the last 2 months when changing roles within my company. But I’m now in the first few days of the…

Discussing Graves Disease with GPT4

In my previous blog I posted about my questions that I asked ChatGPT to anwer, which were very impressive. Since I got access to GPT4 I thought I’d do the same, so here’s the result based on the same questions (and some more)! Can you explain graves disease to a 13 year old and keep…

Discussing Graves Disease with ChatGPT

So, now that ChatGPT has entered our lives, I wanted to check if it can give me better answers than what I’ve been given so far. Short answer: yes. See my conversation.. Can you explain graves disease to a 13 year old and keep in short? Sure! Graves’ disease is a condition where the body’s…