Increasing My Mobility Part I: getting started and setting goals

After years of basketball, sprained ankles, torn ankle ligaments and office desk-jobs, my overall mobility isn’t that good. You probably feel jealous of your kids when they can sit in a deep squat for a long time. Even 400-pound sumowrestlers are more mobile than me. I had trouble even getting in a fairly deep squatContinue reading “Increasing My Mobility Part I: getting started and setting goals”

Teaching Crossfit during COVID-19

In my previous blog i wrote a bit about my learning experience of starting as a crossfit coach. During these times i’m fortunate that the box i work out at is open as well as the box that i teach at. So i wanted to share how that experience has been. Start of the pandemicContinue reading “Teaching Crossfit during COVID-19”

Teaching Crossfit: online courses

After i got my Crossfit Level Trainers certificate i was adviced about taking a few extra online courses to broaden my horizon and dive deeper into topics not or partially covered during the training course. In this blog i wanted to write about which online courses i took, what i thought about them and howContinue reading “Teaching Crossfit: online courses”

Teaching Crossfit: making small steps

When i decided to take the crossfit level 1 trainer course, i also had the intention of teaching people. And although i already had my first real time teaching crossfit, it still felt like a trial and not yet real. So now that the corona-rules are reduced to the point where we can start workingContinue reading “Teaching Crossfit: making small steps”

Crossfit Level 1 Trainer, what happened next?

Since my last crossfit post quite a few things happened, some even unexpected so let me give you an update. Online Courses One of the things i closed my last related post with was with the fact i wanted to do some online course to supplement my CF-L1. So i took the following courses: SpotContinue reading “Crossfit Level 1 Trainer, what happened next?”

Crossfit do’s and don’ts

I’ve been practicing Crossfit for over 2 years now and i wanted to share some of my experience and things i would have liked to have known prior to starting Crossfit. So here goes: Value technique over intensity During a wod and in the box it’s very easy to go into the redzone and tryContinue reading “Crossfit do’s and don’ts”