My Battle With Graves Disease, Part 16: stability

It’s been a while since I’ve given an update about my battle with graves disease. Lots of things going on, moving to new city, starting a new life there, work has been challenging, especially since the last 2 months when changing roles within my company. But I’m now in the first few days of theContinue reading “My Battle With Graves Disease, Part 16: stability”

Discussing Graves Disease with GPT4

In my previous blog I posted about my questions that I asked ChatGPT to anwer, which were very impressive. Since I got access to GPT4 I thought I’d do the same, so here’s the result based on the same questions (and some more)! Can you explain graves disease to a 13 year old and keepContinue reading “Discussing Graves Disease with GPT4”

Discussing Graves Disease with ChatGPT

So, now that ChatGPT has entered our lives, I wanted to check if it can give me better answers than what I’ve been given so far. Short answer: yes. See my conversation.. Can you explain graves disease to a 13 year old and keep in short? Sure! Graves’ disease is a condition where the body’sContinue reading “Discussing Graves Disease with ChatGPT”

My Battle With Graves Disease, Part 15: Rollercoaster

It’s been a while since my last blog regarding my ‘battle’ with graves and it’s been sort of a rollercoaster with some highs and lows. So here’s an update. Let me first show you 3 graphs of the last period with results of the bloodtests. FT4 TSH TRAK Strictly looking at the numbers and rangeContinue reading “My Battle With Graves Disease, Part 15: Rollercoaster”

My Battle With Graves Disease, Part 14: upside down

In my last blog I wrote about about being back on track, well, I’m still on track but according to the bloodvalues it’s the world turned upside down. Looking at the FT4 (below) you can see it’s very low, almost on the edge of being too low and moving to a slow working thyroid. FT4Continue reading “My Battle With Graves Disease, Part 14: upside down”

My Battle With Graves Disease, Part 13: back on track

Since my last post things have been going be the FT4 value was over 50 (when it’s supposed to be within the 9-25 range). The first check was good in the sense that the FT4 value was a bit above 25, which is down by a half. The other value which they usually check, theContinue reading “My Battle With Graves Disease, Part 13: back on track”

My Battle With Graves Disease, Part 12: hard choices

At the beginning of November last year I wrote a post about the fact that Graves disease was back (although technically it never left but was under control) and I started medication. The ‘numbers’ were not that bad so I thought I would have it under control quite fast. Unfortunatly – as these things goContinue reading “My Battle With Graves Disease, Part 12: hard choices”

My Battle With Graves Disease part 11: battle lost, war not over.

As mentioned in my previous blog I started noticing some symptoms related to Graves disease (hard pumping a bit harder, not sleeping to well), but I thought it was more due to stress and a bit of time off would be good. However, having gotten 2 more measurements, the results were not good. As in,Continue reading “My Battle With Graves Disease part 11: battle lost, war not over.”