My Battle With Graves Disease, Part 16: stability

It’s been a while since I’ve given an update about my battle with graves disease. Lots of things going on, moving to new city, starting a new life there, work has been challenging, especially since the last 2 months when changing roles within my company. But I’m now in the first few days of theContinue reading “My Battle With Graves Disease, Part 16: stability”

My Battle with Graves Disease, part 10: here we go again ?!

The months before my vacation in August were hectic and stressfull both at work and at home. As i mentioned in my previous blog we started looking for a house and i was looking for a new job, which i took. So i was really tired and very much looking forward to a vacation. IContinue reading “My Battle with Graves Disease, part 10: here we go again ?!”

Netflix Health Documentaries part II: Cowspiracy and Seaspiracy

In these corona times I thought it would be a good idea to follow up on my previous blog about netflixs’ health related documentaries. So below are two I’ve watched and my thoughts on them. Cowspiracy This documentary is from the same people as ‘what the health‘ but cowspiracy focuses on the relation between theContinue reading “Netflix Health Documentaries part II: Cowspiracy and Seaspiracy”

Corona: the second wave

In the Netherlands the second Corona-wave seems at it’s peak and on it’s way down. But why was there a second peak, why was it so high in terms of contaminations but far less deaths than before, and what made the Corona crisis so big in the first. I wanted to write down some thoughtsContinue reading “Corona: the second wave”

Teaching Crossfit: online courses

After i got my Crossfit Level Trainers certificate i was adviced about taking a few extra online courses to broaden my horizon and dive deeper into topics not or partially covered during the training course. In this blog i wanted to write about which online courses i took, what i thought about them and howContinue reading “Teaching Crossfit: online courses”

My Battle with Graves Disease, part 7: setback scare

When i got back from vacation at the end of august i felt relaxed, ready to go to work. Then i opened my inbox and my first thought was: ‘why can’t things run smoothly for a short while’. The first day back and i already lost my relaxed mindset. Shortly after i started feeling aContinue reading “My Battle with Graves Disease, part 7: setback scare”

Netflix Health Documentaries

Due to my battle with graves disease i’m trying to read related papers, blogs, etc…and watch youtube video’s. I came across a ‘teaser’ for the Netflix documentary The Game Changer and decided to watch it. Based on that, Netflix recommended me ‘What the health‘ and ‘Heal‘. After watching these 3 documentaries i had some thoughtsContinue reading “Netflix Health Documentaries”